
Academic teaching

Advanced R Programming for Business - Graduate level

  • MSc Artificial Intelligence & Business Analytics, Toulouse Business School - TBS, France, 2023/2024 (15h - English)

    • Lectures and practicals with the R software.

Business analytics - Undergraduate and Graduate levels

  • Master 1 - Programme Grande Ecole, Business analytics, Toulouse Business School - TBS, France, 2023/2024 (24h - French)

  • BSc in Management - Bachelor 1, Business analytics & Data Visualization, Toulouse Business School - TBS, France, 2023/2024 (30h - English)

  • Licence 3 - Programme Grande Ecole, Introduction to Business Analytics II, Toulouse Business School, France, 2023/2024 (30h - French)

    • Lectures and practicals with the R software, Excel and/or Tableau Software.

Data Mining - Graduate level

  • Statistics and Econometrics, Toulouse School of Economics - TSE, France, 2021/2022 (13.5h - English)

    • Lectures and practicals on data visualization, missing values and outlier detection with the R software.

Data Visualization - Undergraduate and Graduate levels

Outlier Detection - Graduate level

  • Statistics and Econometrics, Toulouse School of Economics - TSE, France, 2017/2019/2020 (11h)

    • Lectures and practicals for graduate students with the R software.

Statistical Inference - Undergraduate level

Students supervision

Doctoral committee

Master thesis

Case studies - Graduate level

Bachelor thesis

Trainer for private sector

For ippon innovation, in French or in English, for groups of 6-12 people (mostly engineers), online or in-person, 1-4 days for semiconductors, pharmaceutical or biotechnological companies.

R & R Shiny

  • 2019-2021, French, 6 sessions.

Outlier Detection

  • 2020-2021, French, 4 sessions.

  • December 2021, French Statistical Society, SFdS, Paris, France, (2 days)

    • Invited trainer - statistical workshop, on how to detect and deal with outliers for people from academics and the private sector

Fundamentals of JMP & Statistics

Inferential statistics, hypothesis testing, regression and analysis of variance, outlier detection, data science.

  • 2021, English/French, 7 sessions.
Posted on:
January 29, 2023
3 minute read, 521 words
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